
Equal opportunities
Girls and women in the digital industry

Funder: Digital Europe Programme Eligible applicants: Public or private organisations. Consortium requirements: at...

Active leisure; Environmental protection
 Harghita Wants You Home video

Education and Skills
A career exploration to choose a profession

With the students of the 11th grade of the Roman-Catholic Gymnasium “Segito Maria”, biology and chemistry cl...

Active leisure; Environmental protection
Green thinking campaign

Harghita County Council introduces changes for sustainable development in the County Council building, in the spirit of...

Active leisure; Environmental protection
Construirea unui județ verde și conștient de mediu în 2021!

Programul “Micul grădinar” se dezvoltă în fiecare an și tot mai multe persoane se înscriu. Prioritatea noast...

Education and Skills
Youth4Regions: formare profesională în domeniul jurnalismului și al comunicării la Bruxelles

Pentru tinerii jurnaliști și studențiYouth4Regions: formare profesională în domeniul jurnalismului și al comunicării la...

Active leisure; Environmental protection
To draw attention to the Youth4Climate Challenge

Do you have a good idea about climate change? Join the United Nations (UN) Development Programme and you could win a $20...

Active leisure; Environmental protection
Rural hockey programme

It is said that a child in Szeklerland is born with skates on his feet. In Harghita County, many children go skating and...

Support for young people in rural areas (young farmers)

Rural Development Association of Harghita County Council has announced a case study competition for which students from...

Public participation
Have your say on Harghita County Youth Strategy – win an entry ticket to this year’s Double Rise festival!

If you are  but under  years old, and have a relevant opinion about the Harghita County Youth Strategy, you can win a se...

Why should I come home?
Entrepreneurs for youth!

The Agency of Harghita County will continue this year the visits to the management class within the programme supporting...

Culture and arts
Blind date with a book

Blind date with a book is one of the library’s most popular and appreciated reading promotion programs. People loo...